Please follow this link to submit a nomination for the 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award. To download a list of nomination questions from previous editions please click here.
Before submitting a nomination, please read the below taking special care to have understood the Terms and Conditions.
Online Submission Deadline: 16 September at 18:00 CET!!!
16 September at 18:00 CET is the deadline for submission of completed nominations for the 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award.
Nomination Form: A link to the 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award nomination form is here.
Terms and Conditions: Eligibility and judging criteria, as well as terms and conditions for participation in the Awards, may be found here.
Winner Announcement: On 6 October 2014, the winner of the 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award will be announced at the African ICT Days Gala at Hotel Mont-Fébé in Yaoundé, Cameroun, and will be published on this website.
General Guidelines:
- Nominations for 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award may be made by the nominee or by someone else on behalf of the nominee.
- Deadlines for submissions must be respected for nominations to be valid. Nominations must be submitted in their entirety to be considered valid.
- Content submitted for Award consideration becomes property of the Digital Leadership Institute asbl/vzw, AWACA BVBA and Evolving Consulting, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
- Please read the Award Terms & Conditions here.
If you have any questions concerning your 2014 African Digital Woman of the Year™ Award submission, please contact us.