Congratulations 2014 European Ada Award-winners!

Yesterday in RomeDLI announced winners of the 2014 European Ada Awards!  Join us here in congratulating the winners, and read here the  Press Release  from our partners and sponsors about this great event!

***Congratulations to the 2014 European Digital Girls of the Year™!***

Ten and Under:

  laurenLauren Boyle (9) from Ireland:

9-year-old Lauren developed a site that was coded by a kid for kids.  She mentors at Coderdojo in Ireland teaching kids Scratch, HTML, CSS, etc., and is also part of a group called Code for Ireland who meet and develop apps for community challenges and problems to assist government.

Eleven and Over:

  Manon Van Hoorebeke (11) from Belgium:

Manon is eleven years old and started coding with Scratch at a young age.  She now actively coaches kids and especially girls to learn to code and be interested in technology by using Arduino. For two years, she has been promoting Coderdojo Belgium to reach more kids (and girls) to become interested in technology and STEM education. Her dream is to get more girls interested in technology and that more technology be taught at primary and secondary school.

***Congratulations to the 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year™!***

  Esther Roure Vila, Cisco, from Spain

A lack of female role models is what drives Esther today to be a role model herself. It also drove her to petition the entertainment industry for better female role models in STEM.  Among many achievements, Esther has launched “WISE EMEA” – ‘Women in Science and Engineering’ a Cisco employee recourse group which includes 200 members across all countries in EMEA; and WIN, ‘Women in Networking,’ – a group of female technical support engineers that aims to attract, build and retain strong female technical support engineers, which includes more than 100 female engineers.

***Congratulations to the 2014 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™!***

  Stemettes, United Kingdom:

The Stemettes aim to inspire the next generation of females into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) fields by showing them the amazing women already in STEM via a series of panel events, hackathons, exhibitions, and mentoring schemes.

Congratulations again to these very deserving winners and thank you to  our amazing partners and sponsors for making the 2014 European Ada Awards possible!

2014 EU Ada Award Finalists

Finalists for the 2014 European Ada Awards are here!  Join us for the Ada Award Ceremony on 30 October in Rome to find out who the winners are in each category — and good luck to all the very deserving finalists!

***Congratulations to the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™ Award!***

Ten and Under:

  •   Anne (9) from England

Eleven and Over:

  •   Noa (11) from Belgium

Find out more about the Finalists for the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™ Award here!

***Congratulations to the finalists for 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year™ Award!***

  • , BEBRAS Founder & PhD Professor in Physical Sciences (Informatics), from Lithuania

Find out more about the finalists for 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year™ Award here!

***Congratulations to the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™ Award!***

Find out more about the finalists for the 2014 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™ Award here!

Join us at the 2014 European Ada Award Ceremony – taking place as part of the “e-Skills – Making a Career with Digital Technologies” event on 30 October 2014 in Rome, Italy – where we will announce the 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year™, Digital Woman of the Year™, and Digital Impact Organisation of the Year™!