Transatlantic Dialogue on Women in Tech

On 1 July in Brussels the Digital Leadership Institute, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services, is thrilled to host the third Ada 200 best practices roundtable of 2015 on getting more girls and women into digital studies and careers.   In celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Lady Ada Lovelace, who is credited with being the world’s first computer-programmer, Ms. Cheryl Miller, Digital Leadership Institute founder, and Ms. Teresa Carlson, Vice President Worldwide Public Sector at Amazon Web Services, will co-host a high-level luncheon to explore this important question from a trans-Atlantic perspective, with focus on the following topics:

  • Rallying corporate and policy organisations around the question of getting more girls and women into digital studies and careers;
  • Encouraging an ongoing transatlantic dialogue on the issue; and
  • Identifying concrete actions for driving this issue up the policy agenda.

The luncheon will be followed by a 3D Jewelry Design & Printing workshop for girls generously sponsored by Amazon Web Services.  For outcomes and follow up activities, please stay tuned here!

Ms. Teresa Carlson is vice president of worldwide public sector at Amazon Web Services where she is responsible for operations, strategy, sales and business development. She was previously vice president of federal government business at Microsoft, among several other positions, and worldwide vice president of marketing and business development for Lexign Incorporated. Before moving into IT, Carlson spent nearly 15 years in healthcare. Among her many honors is the March of Dimes Heroines in Technology Lifetime Achievement Award.  She is also one of the Washingtonian’s 100 Most Powerful Women.




Call for Local Partners

The Ada Awards are a global initiative recognising outstanding girls and women in digital studies and careers, and the organisations who support them, active in Europe and Africa since 2013.  With support from the United Nations, European institutions and private sector partners, the Awards have continually grown in impact since their inception — today reaching hundreds of female role models in digital studies and careers around the world.

Would your organisation like to become part of this global network recognising female digital leaders of today and tomorrow?  Are you well-placed to identify and showcase top girls and women in tech, and the organisations who support them, in your country or region?

Please contact us to receive information on becoming an official Ada Awards Local Partner, and get involved in a global movement promoting community, diversity and digital leadership by girls and women around the world!

Local Partner Privileges include (TBC):

  • Exclusive partnership for specific geographic area (national, regional or local)
  • Branded local Ada Awards, e.g. “Italian Digital Girl of the Year Award”, etc.
  • Local Ada Award Event
  • Link with globally-recognised female digital leadership Awards

 Local Partner Responsibilities include adherence to:

  • Ada Award branding and communication standards
  • Award Terms & Conditions
  • Jury selection criteria
  • Regional and global award calendars
  • Partner and sponsorship requirements

For more information about the Ada Awards, please subscribe to our newsletter or visit the below websites:

Please visit the Digital Leadership Institute to learn more about the organisation behind the Ada Awards!


African Ada Awards and Africa Code Week

africa cw girlThe first-ever Africa Code Week, taking place across Africa on 1-10 October 2015, was launched last week with a CodeWeek Celebrity Challenge in Johannesburg.  The inaugural edition of Africa Code Week will span eleven countries and aims to reach 20,000 kids.  And we would like half of those reached to be girls!  To that end, the Digital Leadership Institute — organizers of the Ada Awards — is teaming up to promote participation of girls in Africa Code Week, and to recognize, via the 2015 African Ada Awards, outstanding girls and women in tech in Africa and the organizations who support them.

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If your organization would like to be involved in promoting the 2015 African Ada Awards, please contact us.