DLI Update – Winter 2021

The DLI Board are actively involved in outreach activities with partners and stakeholders around the world that promote ESTEAM* leadership by girls and women. Find out more below about our outreach activities in Winter 2021, including launch of the 2021 EU Delegation to the G20 Women20 which took pace at end-January. For upcoming activities by DLI and its partners please visit here, and have a look at our calendar for events organised by DLI.

*Entrepreneurship and Art powered by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

27 January – EU Women20 Delegation Kickoff Meeting (Online): On 27 January, the EU Delegation of the Women20, women’s stakeholder engagement group to the G7/G20, kicked off online ahead of the 2021 G20 meetings in Italy. As new Head of Delegation, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, chaired the inaugural gathering of the 2021 EU Women20 Delegation.

10 February – Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Governing Board Meeting (Online): On 10 February, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined the final meeting of the inaugural European Commission Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition governing board ahead of a call for new board members commencing in March. Ms. Miller Van Dÿck has served on the DSJC governing board through a critical stage in its development and growth, beginning with its inception in 2017.

22-23 February – Italy Women20 Kickoff (Rome & Online): On 22-23 February, DLI Founding Director, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, joined the kickoff meeting of W20 Italia 2021, the women’s stakeholder engagement group to the 2021 G20 meetings in Italy. Ms. Miller Van Dÿck participated in the meeting as Head of the EU W20 Delegation and as Co-Chair of the W20 Italia 2021 Digital Working Group.

4 March – WEP Board of Directors Meeting (Online): DLI Founding Director, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, joined the quarterly Board of Directors meeting of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform, which took place on 4 March online.

8 March – UN Observance of International Women’s Day (Online): On 8 March, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined UN Women’s Observance of International Women’s Day 2021, aligned with the priority theme of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, on “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world, on the way to the Generation Equality Forum,” which took place online.

9 March – WEgate Peer-Learning Workshop on Women’s Entrepreneurship (Online): On 9 March, the WEgate project organised its third online peer-learning workshop on the topic of “Women’s Entrepreneurship” with participation from DLI executive members Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Katja Legisa and Loredana Bucseneanu.

11 March – AWS Cloud Ambassador Meetup (Online): Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined the 11 March online meetup of AWS Cloud Ambassadors, in which role Ms. Miller Van Dÿck and her peers work to promote uptake of emerging and future technology skills among vulnerable communities, especially girls and women, around the world.

14-26 March – 65th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (Online): From 14 to 26 March, UN Women organized the 65th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Global civil society organizations also supported the session with a series of virtual events organized via NGO CSW and its partners.

15 March – Council of Europe “Digital Gender Gaps & Opportunities” Event (Online): As a side-event of the 65th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Council of Europe, National Council of German Women’s Oganizations, and their partners organized an online event addressing the subject of “Digital Gender Gaps and Opportunities.”

23 March – European Parliament “Policy Options for the Ethical Governance of Disruptive Technologies” (Online): On 23 March online, the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) organized an online event on the subject of “Policy Options for the Ethical Governance of Disruptive Technologies,” including with major EU-funded projects,SHERPA, SIENNA and PANELFIT, former to which DLI’s Founding Director, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, acts as an adviser.

26 March – Mommypreneurs Closing Gala 2021 (Online): On 26 March, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, provided a keynote address to the graduates of the 2021 cohort of the Mommypreneurs, a project reaching 2300 women with entrepreneurship skills from across seven countries in Europe.

Be sure to visit our Calendar and Outreach Activities page to keep up with DLI events and activities! You can also and sign up for the DLI Newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!


DLI and Partners Launch WE4Change Project

On 22 March 2021, the Digital Leadership Institute and four partner organizations from across Europe launched the WE4Change initiative supporting “girls and women connecting for environmental change.” WE4Change is an EU-funded project aiming to foster civic engagement of girls and young women from disadvantaged backgrounds by empowering them to understand their strengths, develop digital, leadership and changemaking skills, and increase their sense of initiative in the social and environmental sector.

For the next two years, Digital Leadership Institute (BE), Stimmuli for Social Change (GR), Empow’Her (FR), Tekedu (MD) and ZERO Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável (PT) will work together to offer an innovative combination of hands-on activities, training on digital, innovation and environmental awareness skills, problem-solving and co-creation of prototypes to address climate change, responding directly to the needs of young women to break down stereotypes, develop their creativity and confidence, and contribute to society.

The first project meeting took place on the 23rd of March 2021, with project partners discussing the first project phase aiming at setting a solid and appropriate foundation for the development of the We4Change project. The first steps include a context specific gender analysis that will be conducted in each participating country looking at i) youth policy & youth participation programmes, ii) environment & climate, iii) digitalization and innovation related to the issues tackled by the project to ensure the appropriate development of the trainings and materials to be developed throughout the project.

To stay updated on the WE4Change initiative, follow the project Facebook page!

DLI Announces New EU Projects

DLI and partners of the ATHENA consortium have been awarded program funding from the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) in order to support women of migrant backgrounds across Europe to take up entrepreneurship. Partners to the ATHENA (“Approaches To valorise the High ENtrepreneuriAl potential of migrant women”) project, which will launch in January 2021, include the following:

DLI has also been awarded Erasmus+ funding to lead the WE4Change (“Girls and Women connecting for environmental change”) project, with the mission of increasing entrepreneurship in STEM fields by girls and women through climate change activism. Members of the WE4Change project include the following organisations:

The DLI team is excited to take up these new projects that support our mission to increase entrepreneurship by girls and women, especially in science and technology fields, in 2021!

DLI Update – Winter 2020

The DLI Board are actively involved in outreach activities with partners and stakeholders around the world that promote ESTEAM* leadership by girls and women. Find out more about our outreach activities in Winter 2020-21 below, including the WEgate Summit on women’s enterpreneurship at which our Director contributed to a Call to Action on tech entrepreneurship by women. For upcoming activities by DLI and its partners please visit here, and have a look at our calendar for events organised by DLI.

*STEM powered by Entrepreneurship and Arts

3 November – WEgate Community Council Meeting (Online): On 3 November, the WEgate project launched its Community Council with participation by Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, as a member of the advisory organization supporting implementation of the WEgate project promoting women-led entrepreneurship in Europe.

30 November – WEP Board of Directors Meeting (Online): DLI Founding Director, Che Miller Van Dÿck, joined the quarterly Board of Directors meeting of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform, taking place on 30 November online.

3 December – MIF+ Project Meeting (Online): On 3 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, joined a project meeting for MoveItForwardPlus (MIF+), an EU ERASMUS+ project promoting uptake of digital and entrepreneurship skills among women, of which DLI is a member.

10 December – WEgate Summit (Online): On 10 December, the WEgate project organised its first summit on “A New Vision for Women Entrepreneurs in Europe,” with support from Loredana Bucseneanu, DLI Development Director. Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, also contributed to a “Call for Action” series on topics of EU policy, financial inclusion, and digital transformation priorities for women in entrepreneurship.

10 December – R&I PEERS Project Meeting (Online): On 10 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, joined a project meeting of R&I PEERS, an EU Horizon 2020 project promoting “pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations,” of which DLI is a member.

17 December – Leadership as A Vehicle for Youth Participation (Online): On 17 December, Katja Legisa, DLI Entrepreneurship Director, gave a presentation on DLI’s Move It Forward program as part of an online training on the subject of “Leadership as a Vehicle for Youth Participation,” hosted by the Youth Board of Cyprus.

21 December – WEP Board Meeting and General Assembly (Online): On 21 December, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined the annual General Assembly and a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform taking place online.

Be sure to visit our Calendar and Outreach Activities page to keep up with DLI events and activities! You can also and sign up for the DLI Newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!


DLI Update – Autumn 2020

The DLI Board are actively involved in outreach activities with partners and stakeholders around the world that promote ESTEAM* leadership by girls and women. Find out more about our outreach activities in Autumn 2020 below, including an awesome high-level panel on global best practices for women’s enterpreneurship which took place as part of the Women20 event of the 2020 G20 meetings in Saudi Arabia. Please visit our calendar for events organised by DLI.

*STEM powered by Entrepreneurship and Arts

19 August – AWS Cloud Ambassador Quarterly Meeting (Online): On 19 August, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director,  joined an online meeting of the 2020 global cohort of AWS Cloud Ambassadors.

16 September – European Digital Academy Strategic Seminar (Online): On 16 September, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director and Loredana Bucseneanu, DLI Director of Development, contributed to a strategic seminar to scope and define the work of the forthcoming European Digital Academy, a European Project project led by European SchoolNet, the association of European Ministries of Education.

6 October – SHERPA Project Stakeholder Board Meeting (Online): On 6 October 2020, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, joined the second annual meeting of the SHERPA Stakeholder Board Meeting, taking place online. The mission of the SHERPA Project is to analyse how AI and big data analytics impact ethics and human rights

20-22 October – W20 Saudi Arabia Meetings (Online and in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia): On 20-22 October, Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director, contributed to the W20 Saudi Arabia 2020 meetings of the G20 Saudi Arabia 2020 process, as EU delegation member, expert to the Digital Inclusion Working Group, and Co-chair of the Digital Entrepreneurship task force of the Women’s Entrepreneurship WG. On 21 October, Che also contributed to a Women20 panel on best practices supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship on the topic of Digital Inclusion.

Be sure to visit our Calendar and Outreach Activities page to keep up with DLI events and activities! You can also and sign up for the DLI Newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
