DLI Update – Winter 2018

The Digital Leadership Institute Board and Executive Team are actively involved in outreach activities with partners and stakeholders around the world that promote ESTEAM* leadership by girls and women.  On 21 November 2018, Che Miller Van Dyck, DLI’s founding director, was recognized by the Financial Times and Google as one of 100 “digital pioneers” of Europe, in a celebration that took place in Brussels.  Find out more about the FT/Google event and our outreach activities of November and December 2018 below, and please visit our calendar for events organised by DLI.

*Entrepreneurship and Art powered by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

16 November -“Hack the Goals” at Enabel (Brussels): On 16 November in Brussels, Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI Founding Director, gave an in-depth talk on “Closing the Digital Gender Gap” at the Digital for Development (D4D) knowledge-sharing event of “Hack the Goals,” an initiative of Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency. The D4D event and Hack the Goals closing ceremony was open to the public.

21 November – “Europe’s Road To Growth” with The Financial Times and Google (Brussels): The DLI Team joined a 21 November event on “Europe’s Road to Growth,” celebrating the achievements of 100 digital pioneers of Europe, including Cheryl “Che” Miller Van Dyck, DLI Founder, who were showcased in the Financial Times Europe’s Road to Growth special report. The event took place at the Google Atelier in Brussels.

4 December – MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Summit Europe (Paris): On 4 December, Ms. Katja Legisa, DLI Digital Brusselles Director,  joined the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Summit Europe 2018 taking place in Paris. Ms. Legisa is a member of the jury responsible for selecting the European Innovators Under 35 recognized at the summit this year.

6 December – Digital Skills and Jobs Governing Board Meeting (Vienna): On 6 December, Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI Founder,  joined the fifth meeting of the Governing Board of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition of Europe. The meeting took place in Vienna as part of ICT 2018 – Imagine Digital, Europe’s largest ICT industry event, hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.  Ms. Miller was also member of the jury and announced this year’s winner of the Digital Skills Award for Girls and Women.

Be sure to visit our Calendar and Outreach Activities page, and sign up for the DLI Newsletter in order to keep up with DLI events and activities!


Top European Women in Tech Recognised

On 30 November 2017 at BeCentral in Brussels, the Digital Leadership Institute and its partners welcomed over two hundred key stakeholders and community members to celebrate the fifth edition of the European Ada Awards and to share the success stories of the 2017 Digital Brusselles project with support from the Digital Belgium Skills Fund. The Ada Awards are a long-standing pledge to the European Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition that recognise top European girls and women in tech and the organisations that support them.


Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI Founder, opened the evening with a warm thank you to DLI supporters, followed by keynote presentations from Ms. Céline Vanderborght, Brussels Region Smart City Manager and Ms. Andrea Almeida Cordero, Member of Cabinet for Ms. Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for the Digital Single Market. Both speakers committed their support and that of their stakeholders to active engagement of girls and women for fulfilling the vision of an inclusive digital Europe. A subsequent tweet about the event by Commissioner Gabriel was very well received on Twitter.


Opening presentations were succeeded by graduation of over sixty participants from the 2017 Digital Muse After School program with Ms. Valentina Cala DLI Digital Creative Manager, and from the first-ever cohort of the CYPRO “First Steps” program with Ms. Mai Ensmann, DLI CYPRO Coordinator.



  1. Ms. Katja Legisa, Digital Brusselles Director, then recognised 200-plus participants of the 2017 “Female Digital Starters” training program, followed by an inQube / Digital Brusselles project pitching session hosted by Ms. Lama Jaghjougha, a founder of Raise Women’s Awareness Network – RWAN. Initiatives presented included those launched in the context of inQube Move It Forward events over the past two years, including:
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  • Brussely – a platform by/for/about Brussels Generation Y-ers, presented by Ms. Safia Bihmehdn
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  • MESS – a gamified concert-going platform for Brussels citizens, presented by Ms. Alexandra Pykacz & Ms. Edith Euan
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  • MIA – a virtual innovation space for Brussels citizens, presented by Ms. Muna Ibrahim
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  • African Gist – an African tech internship program, presented by Ms. Cynthia Mukendy
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  • Tabadoul – a professional mentorship program for women refugees led by ENoWM and DAW, presented by Ms. Sinem Yilmaz
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A particularly moving moment of the evening came about when, as part of her pitch for the Brussely platform, Ms. Safia Bihmehdn read a poem she composed about her participation in the Move It Forward for Women in Media event, which as the poem describes, inspired her toward a whole new direction in digital entrepreneurship and in celebrating the youth and diversity of Brussels.


The final highlight of the evening was the 2017-18 European Ada Awards, launched with inspiring keynote presentations by Ms. Dinah Barret, Senior Solutions Architect for EMEA at Amazon Web Services, and Ms. Gabriela M. Juric, 2016 European Digital Girl of the Year, and co-hosted by Ms. Miller and Ms. Loredana Bucseneanu, DLI Strategy Officer.



2017-18 European Ada Award trophies were presented by Ms. Simone Hume of Amazon Web Services in the following categories and announced by noted Ada Award partner representatives:
n1. Ms. Pascale Van Damme, Vice President and General Manager at Dell EMC Commercial Belux, is 2017 European Digital Woman of the Year, as announced by Ms. Austeja Trikunaite, Secretary General of CEPIS.


2. 2017 European Digital Girl of the Year honours were awarded in the following age categories:


15-17 Year Old Category, as announced by Ms. Kiki Walravens, GSMA:
nMaeve Galvin (Ireland)


11-14 Year Old Category, as announced by Mr. Laurent Roux, Impact Officer at European Institute of Technology:



  • Aoibheann Mangan (Ireland)
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  • Charlotte Johnson (United Kingdom)
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10 Years and Under Category, as announced by Ms. Tomislava Recheva of European Schoolnet:



  • Helena Staple (United Kingdom)
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  • Zara Ilyas (Ireland)
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  • Ruby Scott Kenny (Ireland)
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3. Teen-Turn of Ireland is 2017-18 European Digital Impact Organisation of the Year Award, as announced by Ms. Michela Palladino, Director of European Policy at Developers Alliance.


The 2017-18 European Ada Awards and Digital Brusselles celebration concluded with a reception catered by From Syria With Love, an organisation led by recent Syrian women refugees to Belgium that Digital Brusselles is honoured to support.


The Digital Leadership Institute and Digital Brusselles would like to thank the speakers, judges, partners and sponsors of the 2017 European Ada Awards and Digital Brusselles celebration, including the Digital Belgium Skills Fund, Amazon Web Services, European Institute of Technology, CEPIS, European Schoolnet, Edosoft, GSMA, Developers Alliance and BeCentral.


Congratulations to all the girls and women recognised by this year’s Ada Awards and Digital Brusselles celebration. We are looking forward to welcoming even more of you again next year!



DLI Founder is EU Digital Champion

On 21 November in Brussels, Cheryl Miller Van Dyck, founding director of the Digital Leadership Institute International (DLII.org), was recognised by the Financial Times and Google as one of 100 digital champions of Europe.  Miller Van Dyck, who for ten years has led global efforts to increase participation of girls and women in technology sectors, was credited as being a leader and influencer in “promoting digital transformation in Europe.”  Miller Van Dyck and her 99 cohorts were selected from among over 4000 nominations by a jury of their peers representing industry and the public sector.  The digital champions report and event are part of an ongoing Financial Times series on “Europe’s Road to Growth.”

Read the full report here (Article/Image Page 21).

Move It Forward Leiden(NL) for Women’s Health

In collaboration with Women’s Business Initiative International, Webster University Leiden Campus and Women Entrepreneurship Platform, on 10-11 November 2018 in Leiden, the Netherlands, the Digital Leadership Institute organized a Move It Forward – female digital starters event. This event was supported by top technology companies, non-profit organisations, and youth and women’s networks and communities, and was an official activity of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2018, being celebrated on 19 November all around the world. The event’s objective is to give teen and adult women* the skills to become digital entrepreneurs and leaders, and to support them in driving positive change in their communities.

*Anyone who identifies as a woman

Move It Forward Leiden –  Programme:
Day One – 10 November (Saturday) :
  • 8:00-8:30 – Registration & Coffee
  • 8:30-10:30 – Opening Plenary:
  • Welcome
  • 10:30-12:30 – Workshop 1: Build & Launch your Online Presence in the Cloud with WordPress & AWS with Katja Legisa / DLI
  • 12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch Break
  • 13:30 -15:30 – Workshop 2: Develop a Smartphone App with MIT AppInventor for Android with Loredana Bucseneau / DLI
  • 15:30-18:00 – Brainstorming, Proposals, Idea Selection, Team Grouping and Project Work
  • 18:00-19:00 – Dinner
  • 19:00-22:00 – Project Work with Coaches

Day Two – 11 november (Sunday) :

  • 8:00-8:30 – Coffee and Danishes
  • 8:30-10:30 – Workshop 3: Google advertising and analytics / with Carina van Seling, Google
  • 10:30-12:30 – Project Work with Coaches
  • 12:30-13:30 – Lunch Break
  • 13:30-14:00 – Project Work with Coaches
  • 14.00-14.30 – Intoduction to successful pitching, Mr. Ron Lameij / Eisenfelt Academy
  • 14.30-16.00 – Project Work with Coaches
  • 16:00-17:00 – Presentation Preparation
  • 17:00-19:00 – Closing Plenary: Project Presentations and Judging, Awards
  • ++18:30 – Keynote Presentation of Ms. Snezana Zivcevska-Stalpers / IBM
  • 19:00-22:00 – Awards Dinner, Networking