Gears Up for Girls in ICT Day

NK cartoon

On 25 April 2013, Digital Muse will be celebrating International Girls in ICT Day in a BIG way by sharing in a host of activities promoting girls in ICT in Brussels!  As part of the fun, and with thanks to the terrific people at Intel, will organize several hands-on workshops on “The Tech Behind Digital Music,” teaching hundreds of teenage girls the skills behind DJ-ing and digital music-making!  Find out how to register for the event here, and to get in on the excitement be sure to like the “Every Girl Digital” Facebook page and join our event online to show your support for digital muses everywhere!

In the lead up to Girls in ICT Day, parent organization, Zen Digital Europe has been selected by the European Commission to run a social media campaign to help build interest in Girls in ICT Day, and to broadly promote the message of Ms. Neelie Kroes, Vice President for the European Commission, about getting more girls and women digital.


Zen Digital is running a campaign to crowd-source the text of Vice President Kroes’s speech at the European Parliament on 25 April.  So anyone interested in collaborating is encouragaged to join our EU Women LinkedIn group and get in on the discussion.  Zen Digital sister-initiative, Women2020, will also host a breakfast on the day, on the topic of getting more women into ICT (information and communication technologies) studies and careers. What's Your Story girlsinict

Please contact us if you would like to know more about all these exciting activities taking place in honor of the second annual Girls in ICT Day on 25 April 2013.  And, to get a taste of what is to come, please visit here and here to see how we celebrated “Girls in ICT Day” in 2012!

DigitalMuse goes to the EU Parliament!

On 20 February 2013, carried out a half-day workshop on “3D Design & Printing” at the European Parliament, as part of a wider event promoting female entrepreneurship in Europe.  The event, hosted by Seldia, gave a group of lucky young women the chance to design and print their very own creations using the latest in 3D print technology, and showcased the importance of STE(A)M* skills for young people and the vital contribution all women can make to the future European economy.

DLI sister initiative, Women2020, also collaborated on the event as part of its mission to promote the contribution of women to the Europe2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, where women-led enterprises, female entrepreneurship, social enterprise and STE(A)M skills play a critical role. These issues were also the subject of a panel luncheon where our young digital muses were encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions.

*Science, Technology, Engineering, *Art* & Mathematics

DigitalMuse Meets Digital Champs

On 18 December 2012, Cheryl Miller, founder of, had the opportunity to share her thoughts on the importance of getting more girls and women into STE(A)M studies and careers in the context of a meeting with EU Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, and Digital Champions from all the EU Memberstates.

In her comments to those gathered, including recently appointed Digital Champion for Belgium, Saskia Van Uffelen, Cheryl emphasized the importance of women-led enterprises, especially in STE(A)M, and a feminine growth model for the future economy of Europe, the latter being socially-oriented, digitally-driven, slow-growth, resilient and having a long-term vision.

Pictures from the gathering, including a visit from Stella the Angry Bird, are included here.


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Chain Reaction Video

Chain Reaction Video

As a part of our collaboration for the Science: It’s a Girl Thing campaign, composed and choreogrpahed an original song and dance number that was performed at the campaign launch event on the Esplanade of the European Parliament on 21 June 2012.  Catch the “making of” and snippets of the final video of this “unofficial” campaign song and dance via the YouTube link above, and be sure to check out other video from the campaign here!