DLI Update – May 2015

gamagMay 2015 –  Gender Equality in Media Campaign (Global): May is the month for promoting greater and better representation of women and girls in media. As an active member of the UN Global Alliance on Gender and Media and part of the GAMAG Advocacy Committee, DLI is promoting this campaign across Europe. Please support the campaign on Facebook and Twitter, and be sure to sign the UN petition for greater equality in media!

SWL1-3 May – Startup Weekend Leuven (Leuven, BE): On 3 May, Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI founder, judged nine teams competing for final recognition at Startup Weekend Leuven. Prizes were rewarded to three projects: “FestivalRadar,” “Woodies,” and “ZenSay.” See more details and photos on the inQube Facebook page.

bxlsu8-10 May – Startup Weekend Brussels – Maker Edition (Brussels): 8-10 May in Brussels, Ms. Selma Franssen, DLI Communication Director and inQube Community Manager, and Ms. Rosanna Kurrer, DLI Digital Literacy Lead and g-Hive Community Manager, provided startup and maker advice to the over eighty participants of Brussels’ first-ever Startup Weekend Maker Edition. On the final day of the event, DLI Founder, Ms. Cheryl Miller, participated in an all-star jury and awarded prizes to deserving winners in three categories: Internet of Things, Fab and Maker. All the women participants of Startup Weekend Brussels – Maker Edition also received free admission to two upcoming inQube workshops. See more details and photos on the inQube Facebook page.

nuvolarosa19-21 May – Pink Wave / Nuvola Rosa Girls in ICT Event (Milan): On 19 May, DLI Founder, Ms. Cheryl Miller, traveled to Milan for the third edition of “Pink Cloud” (Nuvola Rosa) organized by Microsoft Italy, aiming to inspire 1500 girls to take up studies and careers in technology. Ms. Miller moderated a high-level panel on the topic of “Skilling up to be Digital Leaders of Tomorrow” with leading women from Microsoft, ASUS, Ernst & Young and Aviva. Ms. Miller and other event speakers also enjoyed a guided tour of the US and European pavilions at the World Expo 2015 and attended a VIP gala hosted by the Region of Lombardy.  Photos on the DLI Facebook page.

innov3520 May – MIT Innovators Under 35 Belgium (Brussels):  DLI has partnered with MIT Technology Review and Opinno to identify and recognise top innovators in Belgium, France and Poland for the 2015 MIT Innovators Under 35 Europe awards.  On 20 May, DLI Founder, Ms. Cheryl Miller, contributed to the event recognising Belgian award-winners for 2015 on the topic of “Diversity Equals Innovation.”

Be sure to visit our Calendar, Upcoming Activities page, and sign up for the DLI Newsletter in order to keep up with DLI events and activities!


Need a career boost? inQube has you covered!

How to:  Motivate people without money? Be excited by your work but not consumed by it? Be confident when speaking in front of a group? Find out all the answers to these questions this month at inQube!

Here are three awesome ladies who will share their skills and knowledge with you:

  • Voice Coach Sonja Rauchenberger will help you get heard in meetings, nail your next job interview and give presentations like a pro. And you’ll get to practice of course. Join us on June 2.
  • Joyce Bertram is a 26 year old TEDx speaker who teaches her seniors how to manage people! On 8 June you can learn from her how to motivate & inspire others to work for you – even without financial reward.
  • Sophie Triollet is a digital marketing maven who’s worked from LA to Paris with major music, tech & fashion players. On 25 June, she’ll open her startup “compact case” and share her own tools for effectively managing projects & enterprise. Sign up here!

See you soon!

The inQube Team 🙂


Girls in ICT Day 2015

Imagine a world where you can attend your Economics class from the comfort of your own room, where your gerbil can send you a picture to say it’s hungry, or your dress can tell when you’ll need a rain coat….  If you think this is the World of Tomorrow, you’re in for a world of surprises!  This phenomenon is called the “Internet of Things”.  It’s a world where things connected to the Internet can “think” and “communicate” for themselves.  It’s a world where all the things mentioned here are already taking place.  It is the World of Today, and YOU are a part of it!

On 23 April, In celebration of International Girls in ICT Day 2015, Digital Muse and Cisco Belux presented “Girls & The Future Internet”:  A hands-on workshop – in English, Dutch, French & German – for girls ages 13-17, to promote active participation and leadership by girls in designing and building the Internet of tomorrow, for fun, safety and wellbeing.

During the workshop, participants learned about the Internet of Things, developed IoT projects with a focus on health, safety, entertainment, fashion, “smart” cities, etc.; and they were encouraged to participate in the global Cisco-sponsored contest for IoT projects by girls.