On 15 April, DLI organized an all-day workshop on “Digital Music” as part of the 2014 Girls in ICT Day festivities at the UN International Telecoms Union headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The workshop, presented by Cheryl Miller, DLI/DigitalMuse founder, and Adele Rogers, a local music talent, and included a short history of digital music, song-writing and the digital tools available for “creative digital independence” for aspiring music-makers. Tune in here to check out the amazing creations that resulted from our digital musings!
On 23 April, Digital Muse also hosted its first-ever Mother & Daughter digital music workshop, organised by Cheryl and Sandrine Droubaix, world-reknown digital musician hailing from Brussels. The event took place in DJ Sand‘s studio in Brussels, and delivered some fantastic digital music inventions from teams of adult- and mini-digital muses!
Looking for a way to celebrate Girls in ICT Day 2014? Please consult the ITU’s Girls in ICT Day portal to find resources for organising your own event and to learn about activities being organised in your area. UN Women is also promoting Girls in ICT Day around the world. And if you would like to do something simple and effective to get more girls into tech, please consider contributing your own 1-minute video to the European Commission’s #Passion4Tech campaign via their “Every Girl Digital” Facebook page.
As always, if you are an girl or woman working and studying in digital sectors, or part of an organisation promoting more girls and women in tech, please consider nominating yourself or your organisation/project for a 2014 European Ada Award, deadline 16 September 2014!
Meet Ada Byron Lovelace – from the QUIDOS “Fascinating Stories” Series
Nominations for the 2014 European Ada Awards launched on 4 April 2014 in Athens, Greece, in the context of the “Women and Girls Go Digital!” event, co-organised by ECWT and celebrating the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Nominations for this year’s European Ada Awards – named after the first-ever computer programmer, Ada Lovelace, Lady Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace – are now being accepted in the following categories:
Deadline for submissions for the European Ada Awards is 16 September 2014 and winners in each category will be recognised at the Ada Awards Ceremony on 30 October 2014 in Rome, as part of the closing event for the 2014 eSkills for Jobs campaign. Please follow the noted links to find out more about each Award.
We are very excited to announce the launch of the Digital Leadership Academy, the very first initiative of the newly-formed Digital Leadership Institute! In its first year, the DLA will carry out a year-long training program for future female digital leaders, starting on 23 April 2014 in Brussels, in celebration of International Girls in ICT Day!
Digital Leadership Academy The Digital Leadership Academy aims to close the ICT skills gap and increase the number of female entrepreneurs and leaders in digital sectors in Europe and beyond, by delivering digital and leadership skills to young and career-age women. The DLA approach combines cross-generational mentoring and technical, business and leadership skills development with the goal of building a resilient community of female digital leaders, confident and prepared for long-term, fruitful careers in digital sectors.
The DLA approach is unique because:
Topics addressed meet a real need;
Content provides both theoretical background and practical experience; There is opportunity for self-reflection and interaction;
Motivation is stimulated; and
People have fun.
2014 Digital Leadership Series
In 2014, DLA will launch an inaugural Digital Leadership Series consisting of twelve seminars (two hours each) taking place from April to December in Brussels for a group of twenty teen- and career-age women. The series will be split between fun, hands-on, result-oriented workshops that deliver practical, creative, digital skills, and leadership and business seminars that address personal and professional skills for success. All courses will be led by a team of DLA digital, business and leadership experts.
The 2014 Digital Leadership Series will be carried out from April to December* in Brussels. Places are available for individuals wishing to take part in the program and organisations wishing to sponsor young women or women in transition to participate in the series.
Please contact us if you would be interested in becoming a DLA 2014 candidate, if you would like to sponsor a participant in the DLA 2014 class, or if your organisation would like to support the Digital Leadership Academy! More information about the 2014 Digital Leadership Series may be found here.
The European Ada Awards were launched as a five-year pledge to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs and are part of the 2014 Eskills for Jobs campaign. In 2013, Ms. Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, was personal patron of the Awards and presented prizes in the following categories to deserving girls, women and organisations in Europe: